

Jews were persecuted, needed a homeland and protection. As a result the US taxpayers have given approximately $234,000,000,000 to Israel since 1954. The current US Deficit is $18,000,000,000,000, aid to Israel over the years would be 1% of that number.

Look at it another way. According to the 2012 US Census there were 44,456,009 African American in the US, some of whom are descendants of slaves. Jim Crow laws were in effect in the US well into the 1960's, perhaps reparations could be paid to African Americans for the ills they have endured. Based on the current population and the amount of money we gave to Israel, a similar gesture would result in $5263.64 for each African American counted in the census.

One population was persecuted by Europeans and others, the other enslaved by Americans for a few centuries. Just food for thought...

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