
The Party of Family Values...

I needed a break from finals studying so here goes. This is comic relief for me and I hope it gives at least a few of you a laugh as well.

Party of Family Values

When you think family values, how many of you think Republican? Yeah, me too. I don't think they have better family value policies but that is certainly their brand. Let's explore this a little bit.

Mitt Romney - member of a religion that promotes polygamy... hmmm
Arnold Schwarzenegger - love child...
Newt Gingrich - Two divorces, three wives... sanctity of marriage everyone...
Pete Dominici - Some of you may not have heard of him. Former Senator who led the charge against Bill Clinton oh and guess what just recently admitted that he had a love child with the daughter of another Senator.

The icing on top - Mark Sanford - Remember hiking the Appalachian Trail... well he just won the Republican primary for a South Carolina House seat.

You got to give it to them. Politicians in general on both sides provide plenty of fodder, Spitzer, Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, but for a party that prides itself on "family values" it just makes you chuckle a little louder.

Back to Finals studying... but before I go just another unrelated note. The state of North Carolina is looking to pass legislation to declare a state religion. These guys love their 2nd Amendment but somehow the 1st Amendment is just lost on them...