
Just the beginning...

If the Republican candidate for president loses. In my opinion, him and the Republican party are unlikely to concede and unlikely to step away from the process, as past losing candidates and parties have. Already a number of Republican Senators have stated that if Hillary Clinton wins, they will block any Supreme Court nomination for the next four years. On the other hand, I am not sure I have heard one Democratic Senator say they would block nominations if Mr. Trump was to win. I am sure Fox News ("Republican News") has multiple reports that suggest otherwise. Of course Republican News and facts do not necessarily go hand in hand, but then again when the candidate the Republican party wants us to elect for President boasts about grabbing woman by the ... and lies vociferously, then we have to give Republican News a pass for their lower standards regarding the truth.

Jokes aside, this election results will likely not bring any closure for the country. Instead if Hilary wins, as most polls suggest, I suspect we will see an even more anti democratic, and anti compromise Republican party. After a long arduous election cycle, we have to remind ourselves to not get complacent going forward. As long as the Republican party continues to cater to the Ted Cruz's, Grover Norquist's, and the Tea Party platform, we have to be aware that Donald Trump is merely the beginning of similar Republican candidates to come. Republicans can scream otherwise till they are "blue" in the face, but Donald Trump is the Republican party of the future... The establishment party that they speak of has long been gone...