
Five Game Boycott

Most people are excited that the NBA is back. I am not going to lie I am happy as well. BUT... and it's a big BUT... there is a bigger point to be made here. Why did it come to this point. Really, it took the dissolution of the Player's Union for there to be concessions made. You know which party is being taken advantage of here... yeah you guessed it the fans,and honestly why not.

The NBA is getting in the habit of short seasons every time there are new CBA negotiations and they don't worry because the fans will come right back. The NBA needs to be reminded that fans are the reasons the players get paid, and owners get rich... simple as that. If you take us for granted we will remind you of that fact. My suggestion a nationwide boycott of the first five games that each team plays this year. I am not saying don't watch the game... simply that you watch it at home.

Five games without people in the seats and someone is bound to notice and get the message, that next time around they may want to come to an agreement before games are lost...

1 comment:

casual blogger said...

The only good thing about the end of the lockout is the real people who were affected are now going back to work. I am talking about the people who work in the stadiums and rely on that income to put food on the table for their families. One may think that there are other events to work besides sporting events. While that may be true, its only true in the big markets. The smaller markets where basketball is the only draw,that is where it hurt during the lockout.

So I agree with the post ,time to occupy NBA and show them how petty they are.