
Current State of Affairs...

I can only speak for myself, but the last few weeks have been very uncomfortable as a Muslim. A couple of weeks ago, my sister had a run in at the local Home Depot where a man screamed that no Muslim should get service before her, she left the experience pretty shaken up. In the same week, a person on a bicycle said "Hey ISIS" as he rode by a group of us standing in a parking lot dressed in South Asian clothing. Now the leading Republican candidate calls for a ban on all Muslims traveling into the country...

The response from many in the Republican party has been to say he doesn't represent my Republican party. I hate to say it but he does exactly that, represent your Republican Party. He is leading your polls, has been a part of every debate sponsored by your Republican party, and he is running as a candidate from your Republican party.

The rhetoric from the Republican party does not make me anymore comfortable. You know what would, if people stopped clinging to their allegiance to the Republican Party and simply said, I am no longer Republican. I am not a Republican myself, but as a Democrat if the statements from the leading candidate from my party were so far from what I believed, the decision would be simple... Cruz, Bush, Trump, Rubio have all made anti-muslim or anti-refugee statements. Perhaps Trump is not from your Republican Party but what about the rest?

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