
Some delayed observations about the Republican convention

So this entry is going to be a little short. I almost forgot the whole 30 in 30 days and it is only day 2. So here goes nothing. Many would argue that the best speaker of the Democratic Convention was Bill Clinton. I think most would agree that the Republicans are the party of history. So what about their recent history. Anyone wonder where Sarah Palin, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Colin Powell were at during the Republican convention.

The party of history is going outside of its way to make us forget the most recent chapter of it. They want us to forget what happened to the debt under Bush, that we got attacked under a Republican President, that we went to two wars, "Mission Accomplished" , etc... They want to tell us President Obama hasn't done much. I am the first to say I am not pleased with a lot of things, but here is a short list of things that have been accomplished in four years under President Obama:

  1. The American auto industry was saved.
  2. Universal Health Care was passed
  3. The Dream Act
  4. Don't Ask Don't Tell was repealed
  5. Withdrawal from Iraq started 
  6. Osama Bin Laden Killed
  7. Ghadafi Killed 
  8. Wall Street Reform Passed 
  9. Stimulus Passed 
  10. Asked Mubarak Publicly to step down and he did.
This was four years, two of which are perhaps the most stridently partisan years in recent history. But then again Republicans don't believe in recent history... 

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